Monday, December 24, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

Bay City, Michigan History: Pere Marquette Depot Roof - Bay City#links

Bay City, Michigan History: Pere Marquette Depot Roof - Bay City#links

History is being made on the web everyday. This example of construction in Bay City, Michigan is important on several levels. It documents the construction technique. It documents the building, itself, and the buildings around it at the time of construction. Finally, it documents the people involved in the construction. If this was done properly all these people, items and buildings could be tagged. But, I'm thankful for the great advances we have made.

Directory of FREE Online Books and FREE e-books


Directory of FREE Online Books and FREE e-books


This source contains thousands of books..Many can be downloaded in a PDF format.  This is the source of the book listing Great Lakes Captains.