Wednesday, October 31, 2007


ScienceDaily () -- Nanotechnology has already brought advances such as self-cleaning windows and energy-efficient LED lighting, and could soon deliver medical breakthroughs. To educate the public about nanotechnology's promise, the National Science Foundation has slated $20 million to fund a network of interactive exhibits at 100 museums around the country.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Robert Pastors View of NAFTA's Next Step

NAFTA’s setbacks have been due partly to failures of compliance - related to sugar, softwood lumber, trucking - but mostly to what it omitted. The income gap between Mexico and its northern neighbors has not narrowed. Illegal migration has increased. Bureaucratic duplication on the border, combined with inadequate infrastructure and divergent regulatory policies, has raised transaction costs above the level of the tariffs that were eliminated. If Europe built too many institutions, NAFTA made the opposite mistake. It lacks institutions to anticipate or respond to crises or take advantage of opportunities. We also lack a vision of an inclusive identity that would inspire citizens of all three countries to think of themselves also as North Americans. Indeed, NAFTA is little more than two bilateral relationships that rely on old habits and too often an unproductive paternalism by the United States.

The US Federal government's denial of the NAU proposal is amazing after reading several of these pronouncements from people who are authorized to attend conferences held without media presence but with high rankings government officials like George Schultz.  Read more and decide for yourself what is happening.


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Friday, October 19, 2007

USS Liberty - a reality snapshot

This is one of the most revealing videos an American could ever see. It describes the actions of the federal government in dealing with the 34 deaths on the USS Liberty in 1967. It leaves me with the opinion that we will never be told for sure what happened that day. I find it very difficult to believe that the attack was an accident. As an ex-navy officer, I know that surveillance ships look like nothing else and that navy customs and procedures in the sixties would have made it very unlikely that the Liberty had no flag either on the jack staff or on the mast.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Coup de couleur

Poésie sans parole
pleine de couleurs
féérie d'octobre
Cascades et riviere Beauport,Quebec

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The World of Byzantium

This video from The Learning Channel is an hour and forty minutes of inspiration on the making of an historical video.