I have yet to watch this but it is on the list.
StumbleVideo - Sioux_Ghost_Dance_-_Thomas_A_Edison_1894_.avi.mpeg
This amazing video was taken just a few years after Wounded Knee.
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This source contains thousands of books..Many can be downloaded in a PDF format. This is the source of the book listing Great Lakes Captains.
This week Nova has run an excellent account of the Jamestown, the first permanent settlement in English North America. The program relates that previous to about ten years ago scholars believed that the old fort was gone forever underneath the James River. That is what I heard when I was there in 1970. That was wrong however. The fort is found and with it the story that is told here.
It is a story not of lazy gentlemen but of craftsman that were out to make money fast on the great resources of the new world.
The Native American story is told as well with actual members of the tribes involved taking on historical roles.
The program will add a great deal to your knowledge of the era.
NAFTA’s setbacks have been due partly to failures of compliance - related to sugar, softwood lumber, trucking - but mostly to what it omitted. The income gap between Mexico and its northern neighbors has not narrowed. Illegal migration has increased. Bureaucratic duplication on the border, combined with inadequate infrastructure and divergent regulatory policies, has raised transaction costs above the level of the tariffs that were eliminated. If Europe built too many institutions, NAFTA made the opposite mistake. It lacks institutions to anticipate or respond to crises or take advantage of opportunities. We also lack a vision of an inclusive identity that would inspire citizens of all three countries to think of themselves also as North Americans. Indeed, NAFTA is little more than two bilateral relationships that rely on old habits and too often an unproductive paternalism by the United States.
The US Federal government's denial of the NAU proposal is amazing after reading several of these pronouncements from people who are authorized to attend conferences held without media presence but with high rankings government officials like George Schultz. Read more and decide for yourself what is happening.
Tags: NAFTA, Robert Pastor, CFR. NAU, North American Union
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Tags: McNamera